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What to feed your puppy

 Recently several reports have surfaced into the news, articles, and notices of recalls of dry dog foods and treats which have causing serious and even fatal events to occur to precious loved pets. So it is no surprise that many pet owners are questioning what is the best choice to make when considering what foods to feed your pet. You maybe asking yourself, “Are all dry dog food brands and treats bad for dogs? How can I know that my pet is receiving food that will enhance their health and not put them at risk? Fresh dog food is so expensive, what alternatives exist for my pet with my budget”?

Animals are more similar to people than we realize. Their health and longevity is connected to good, fresh nutrition just as much as our is. They too enjoy variety and you may even consider some dogs as, “foodies” as they too can be food snobs, or love some particular. We are on a mission to help pet parents make healthier food choices for their furry family members all while saving you money.

Several new fresh food recipes have emerged for dogs which are an excellent alternative to dry kibble. But often owners are left resorting to dry dog foods as they simply can not afford the high price that comes with fresh prepared dog foods. Our goal is to give you simple recipes that quick, easy, full of good nutrition, and flavor for your pet. Check in with us periodically for new recipes and ideas. Also we will be preparing a guide of human grade foods and spices that are safe for dogs which allows you to get creative in your kitchen too.